Monday, May 14, 2012


We belong
to whispers at night
                      drunken interludes
                and innocent occasions
                      in stolen shadows
                     by strangers
                           in passing
            and only half
        borne true to life
images hidden
   pressed between pages
            of pictures
                    of a life
                once wanted
                    now unfulfilled
        vodka stained lips
           and Red Bull laced veins
    hold memories
barely contained
       by the silence in a seam
                        spent in a dream
                          …Just you.
                      …Just me.
            and our pages
           have no names
our story ending
    forever left
                  just as a song
                has no lyrical home
       and a love
    never expressed
touches but only one heart.
                                As for you and I,
                        changed forevermore
               surface of skin
   to depth of soul.


I want to feel the breath
  from your body
                  in short fragments
      through the tiny slivers
    of space
      between my fingers
  so I can confirm
       you really are

And your heartbeat…
      I want to hear the rhythm
    the thump
                   as the valves
              in your heart
        draw life
             from the chambers
                             your arms
                 which I want
             wrapped tightly
       around me
     so you can confirm
                 that I really am

Friday, May 11, 2012

Whispering Wind

I like to listen
  when the wind talks
             because I feel
            that secrets
         are carried
               in the breeze
but sometimes
   it’s too hard to hear
       with all the madness
           the day.
Send your wishes
           into the sunshine
                 on the tail off
     a warm,
         eastbound breeze
I will put
     my ear to the skies
               and send a sign
            if your words
                     capture me.

Not a Keeper

I claw at my throat
but it’s no use
I still cannot
begin to breathe

Half a life
slammed shut
in a dusty book
and shelved
only for future
to look back on

by only me
and me alone

You are not a keeper
of memories
nor my heart

Always easy for you
to throw away
and things

it is unsettling
sitting curbside
with the rubbish

Thursday, May 10, 2012


  through hallways
     and down stairwells
         into basements
   smelling of pizza
 and lust at 2:00 am
        melting into his sofa
     watching his eyes
 devour her with
         hunger and desire
      as he looked longingly
   at the supple curves
          of her young flesh
        begging to be
        schooled in seduction
 his desire unmasked
by the glow
   of the television
       experienced hands
 traveling to destinations
     only imagined
            in his lurid dreams
        and his tongue
  following suit
      bringing her innocence
                  …to its knees.

Think Tank Thursday

I've joined the Poets United community and they have a prompt today as part of their Think Tank Thursday. I chose to do mine using blackout poetry that I created using the local horoscope that I always read on a news website near me.  Here's the clip, followed by my submission.

enough of
people, places and things
to stir up your ire
your pride
or your fear
you're more than average
fuel this fire
break it down
more honesty and truthfulness

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Take a Breath

Restlessness fills me
head to toe - body and soul.
Breathe easy. Let go.
(February 7, 2012)

Let Me Be

I don’t need you
  second guessing my happiness
  and judging my choices in life
  because I haven’t taken the same path as you.
The same path that we travelled together
  hand in hand
  for so many years.
If that path were still for me
  don’t you think that you would still be for me too?
I ventured off that path for a reason
  and we will both be better for it.
You can thank me later
  but for now,
  let me live in peace.

(February 7, 2012)

Little Lies

We all have lies
we tell ourselves
to make everything
feel right.
To bury that feeling,
that shouting within
that tells us where we’ve gone wrong
when we’ve gone astray
or when we have abandoned our path.
That gut instinct that screams the truth
in the back of our mind
and can’t be quieted.
These things,
they haunt mostly on lonely nights.
To listen or not, this is our choice.
(February 7, 2012)

Forever Breaking

A heart,
in impermanence,
will be promised
to be

(February 7, 2012)

Restless Mind and Fleeting Thoughts

Empty nights
Yearning for touch

                                        People tire of such things
           Floors littered with “some days” and “maybes”

Captured hearts
and tender feelings

                       Writing in stitches fueled by emotion
           Waning fires eat gently at the crescent moon

Restless spirits
and bridled wings

                                  Passion stifled by boundaries
                             This is why the caged bird sings

Wounded dreams with
Yesterdays immortalized

                                Can’t fight passion with desire
                          Paint aching lips in lyrical empathy

Riveted eyes
left forever wanting

                             Walls never stopped stampedes
                         Such electricity could fuel galaxies

(February 6, 2012)

Loving Artist

You have painted
    so beautifully
          on my skin.
Your fingertips
    making lovely brushes.
          Tools to share truth.
  Emotion easily spreads
      in colors and starbursts.
            Fluid lovingly glows.
My body is a palette.
           Your canvas.
   To mix
           and to blend
       with what you feel
   and where you have been.
Your experiences
          and your love for me,
    written gently on my skin.
You paint landscapes
      against my mountains…
  breathless and captivating.
                   to be hiked
           by your skillful hands
         and ardent tongue.
In the dips of my valleys
  and rhythmic pulse
    of my natural stream
            you quake and peak.
Your deep brown eyes,
   both lustful spectators
       loving participants
in the art
      that you carefully create.
The cool shade of my shadow
      always offering
  a soft mound
       upon which you rest
                 your weary head.
(February 1, 2012)
    I cannot seem to smile
    and my skin cannot grip
    It’s fluid motion
    keeps slipping through the cracks.
    There is only dread
    painted on my lips
    and sadness bleeds
    from this heart of mine.
    I would close my eyes
    and wish the pain away
    but when I close my eyes
    your eyes are all
    that my eyes see.

    (February 1, 2012)
    Today has taken a toll on me.
    These bones,
    No longer whole,
    Have been chopped up Into confetti
    And tossed into the wind.
    This heart,
    No longer beats,
    The pulse of a lovers song.
    It has been crushed
    By the weight
    Of a million memories
    Never to be relived.
    These hands,
    No longer warm,
    Have turned to ice
    From the cold ache
    Of longing for your touch.
    Today has taken a toll on me.

    (January 31, 2012)

    Just a Touch

    Your skin
      is further from my reach
        than ever before
      yet here I am
    with arms outstretched
      trying so desperately
        to grasp what is left
      with a feverish urgency.
    I know
      that if I can just
        brush my fingertips
      against the surface
    of your barriers
      I can surely reach your core
        and make you fall in love
      with me again.

    (January 31, 2012)

    Free Fall

    You take me
    to the edge of reason
    and push me over
    where I hang
    like a dense fog
    on a crisp, fall morning.

    I would wear a parachute,
    but I was hoping your arms
    would save me from the darkness
    and depths reaching out from below.

    (January 31, 2012)


    My soul bleeds in words
    finger painted by moonlight
    under the night sky.
    (January 30, 2012)
    At times,
      I lash out
        beyond reason.
    Unspent emotion
      bottled up
        until it explodes
          with no immediate target.
    A tongue like a dagger
      and words like flames,
    I pierce hearts and skin
      with less than perfect aim.
    It’s the ones I love most
      that my wrath always seems to reach.
    I hate myself for lack of restraint
      and the scars that I leave in my wake.

    (January 30, 2012)

    Bitter Heart, Bitter Words

    Anger bites at me
    like bitter frost
    on a winter day.
    I should wear a scarf
    and mittens
    but I’d rather let the cold
    seep into my bones
    and turn my tongue
    to a knife and cut deep
    into that which dares to bruise me.

    (January 30, 2012)

    Pieces of Me

      I feel my only weapons
        are words.
    My only therapy,
      phrases turned
        and painted
      and woven carefully
    onto paper
      in delicate patterns
        that move and breath
      forming a life force
    all their own.

    Each letter.
      Each word.
        Each sentence.
    ….A piece of me,
      ripped from my core
    with brute force
      leaving me breathless
        and torn,
      adorned with emotion
    and freckled with truth
      forming chapters
        of myself
      in tattered pieces
    left scattered about
      in all of the places
        that I have been.

    (January 30, 2012)

    If I could paint my skin
    with the kisses from your lips
    I think that they could keep me warm.
    I am chilled to the bone.
    (January 30, 2012)

    All Of You

    Is it a crime
     to no longer want
      to hide
       behind these lies
        and shallow covers
         of discretion?
    Am I wrong
     to want more
      of you…
        of you?
    Is it shameful
      I don’t want to share?
     carry my heart,
      so delicate
       and warm,
        in the palm
         of your hands,
          and where you go
           my heart goes.
    But sometimes…
      you are gone
       for too long
        and you (and my heart)
         are too far,
          from where I lay
           my bones.

    (January 26, 2012)


    I find myself trapped
    in a web of emotion
    so strong
    and tangled
    that even I
    can’t figure out
    what it is
    that I need.
    Should do.
    A web
    woven so tightly
    that I am unable
    to use thoughts
    or words
    to work my way free.
    And so I sit
    and drenched
    in exhaustion.
    The sheer weight
    of this web
    is more
    than I can carry
    let alone
    the force it will take
    to untangle.

    (January 26, 2012)

    War Within

    My body
    is waging
    a war
    in hormones
    and tears.
    Please make it stop.

    (January 26, 2012)

    That Faint Feeling

    I can feel you
       (between) the cracks
             of my fingers.
    The sound of
       your breath
          gets    f a i n t e r
    ………the further away
       that you get.
             And your scent
       so much lighter
             (than ever before).
    I can feel it
       in my heart of hearts…
             -and in the pit-
                of my very soul.
    You are on your way
    … … . . out the door.

    (January 25, 2012)


    I wish upon every star
       in the night sky
          that you will
       one day,
    near or far,
       be only mine.
          I’m not ashamed
       to admit
    that I search the horoscopes
          and weekly
       for a sign
    that my wishes will come true.
       Whenever the clock
          strikes 11:11
       I wish for only you.
    When stray lashes
       fall upon my cheeks,
          it is your heart
       that my heart seeks.
    And the visions
       in my dreams,
          it’s true,
       are only visions
    of a happily ever after
       with you.

    (January 24, 2012)
    Wanderlust. Meet me
    in my dreams where we travel
    til our hearts content.

    (January 24, 2012)

    Summer Nights are For Love

    The first time we kissed
       I felt my future shift
    It was a summer night, you see.
       I love summer nights.
    Just before Independence Day
       and during the summer
    of my independence.
       The beer was flowing
    like a warm breeze,
       and the conversation, easy.
    Laughter filled
       each and every hollow,
    almost as if it were on draft,
       and our pints overflowed
    with flirtation.
       The music,
    providing a soundtrack
       that unbeknownst to us
    would always
       bring us back to that night.
    You had this look,
       a little rough around the edges
    and to anyone else,
       you may have been intimidating at first,
    but your eyes,
       they told me different.
    They whispered to me
       that you were kind.
    It would be
       the first night of many
    that we were two in a crowd
       but really,
    the only people there.
       Later, a moonlight walk
    found us in a private park
       where I would swing like
    a schoolgirl on recess
       and your eyes would sparkle
    with pleasure, while you watched.
       The bridge in that park
    still holds a piece of my heart
       and I shall never pass it
    without remembering
       the moment
    your lips touched mine.
       That summer night,
    the first time we kissed,
       I felt my future shift.

    (January 20, 2012)

    Paper Cranes

    A thousand paper cranes
       flew through my dreams last night.
       fervently scripted,
          on delicate washi sheets
             inscribed in ebony,
          (ink darker than the midnight sky)
             and folded,
          by the tiny hands of the unknown
             then thrown,
                into the atmosphere,
                   like heartfelt messages tossed to sea.
    They carried with them
       hushed secrets
          of forlorn lovers
                by miles
                   or circumstance,
          whispered into their wings,
             by children,
                that dare to dream
                   and to create
                      fairy tales,
                         in their minds,
       and wisdom,
          of those that have carried
             the tremendous weight
                of knowledge
                   on their shoulders
                      across this vast earth.
    They beckoned to me,
       like paper lanterns,
          glowing in the wind,
             to reach out and gather
                their delicately crafted bodies
             and unfold
                that which was cast to the breeze,
                   in hopes,
                      of being harnessed
                         by the universe.
    I closed my eyes
       and wished,
          upon all the stars in the heavens,
             that I may
                reach out and cage
                   the bird inscribed by only you.
    I longed to hear it sing
       the loving notes
          of your sweet lullaby to me.
    Your words,
       written on it’s wings.
    I want to tattoo my skin
       in a million words of love,
          (your words)
             (your love)
                and bleed only ink.
    But when I reached for them,
       they came to life
          and flew,
             towards the horizon
                on paper wings
                      by the lungs of creation.
    (January 20, 2012)


    This aching feeling
    In the pit of my soul
    The spikes
    That have grown
    Around my heart
    This insane need
    To drink you
    In when you are near
    And to never let you go
    To breathe in
    Every part of you
    That I can
    To swallow your essence
    In mighty gulps
    Lest a drop run free
    From my grip
    These feelings,
    I fear
    Are the beginning
    Of the end
    And I think
    You feel it too.
    I want your fingerprints
    Embedded in my bones.

    (January 18, 2012)

    Speak Up

    Your silence
    is deafening,
    and it’s decibels,
    they rattle me to the bone.
    Whatever it is
    that you are not saying,
    it is not well hidden,
    because I can taste it
    in the air
    between us
    and it is
    wrecking me.

    (January 18, 2012)
    If wishes had wings and ears for such things, I’d tell all of mine to fly to you.

    (January 17, 2012)

    Fields of Ambivalence

    I wonder,
    how long I can balance
    on the edge of reason.

    On the edge of what should be
                     and what is.

    In the war of aspirations
    versus reality
                     does ambition ever win?
    How long can I justify
    blind perseverance
                     of this love drowned heart?
    How long can I go on
                     walking headstrong
    into the gusting winds
                     of uncertainty?
    How long can a heart
    through the landmines
    of ambivalence
    in another man’s soul?
    (January 17, 2012)

    Something To Hold

    Though wishes are a wondrous treat,
    I dare you to lay before my feet
    something that I may hold.
    For stars,
    they may go out
    and wishes seldom come true,
    but for those that love a story told
    a fairy tale may do.
    Some prefer the tangible,
    something a little more manageable,
    …maybe even you.

    (January 13, 2012)

    Moonlit Echoes

    There are moments
       when time seems to linger 
       on hushed words 
       and secrets whispered 
       in the still of the dark night. 
    When shadows seem alive 
       with movement and brittle 
       with the aching of bones 
       from the dampness of dusk. 
    When moonlight casts spells 
       upon everything within reach 
       of her long willowy fingers 
       and cool glowing embrace. 
    The myriad of echoes ringing 
       after nightfall, speak volumes 
       for the magic of the hours 
       yet still cease to tell all 
       of the wonders that befall.

    (January 13, 2012)